Episode 59: The Writing Life….Travel Diaries, Liguria, London, South of France..….

Welcome to Episode #59:

“Who Writes Journals? Women who live deeply and reflectively, who regard their lives as modern mythic quests and spiritual journeys. Women who want to find their own voices and write their own lives” - Marlene A. Shiwy

So many writers have to taken to the page to transcribe their daily thoughts, to reflect and preserve, to vent, to articulate, to understand, to create. Diaries and journals can be a way to write your life into being and a place of comfort and joy. Always the diary is a humble companion on a journey, whether you are traveling out there in the world or not. Here are few of my own humble moments from my travel diary in Liguria, Milan, Siena, London, France…
And now these thin volumes hold a moments of joy, gratitude and promise.

The Mornings in Camogli were perfect for staring at the sea and jotting down notes in my travel journal...


Quotes and books mentioned early in the Podcast……

A Voice of Her Own: Women and the Journal Writing Journey by Marlene A. Shiwy

Personally: Further Notes on Life by Nikki Gemmell…Essay “A Writer’s Books’

The True and the Questions: A Journal by Sabrina Ward Harrison

Woman on the Verge: The Subject is Herself by Michelle Johnston

See you in the Piazza by Frances Mayes (Camogli detail)

This was my view as I sat there watching people dip into sea.  I was sipping my cappuccino and writing, thinking it was still a little too cold for my feet to go in the water, but the ambience of Camolgi was wonderful...
Antibes, South of France, diary entries, some notes taken, only a few, but France is a great place for a writer, with gorgeous cafes lining the streets and boulevards…
Bar Cavo in Genova on Via Balbi, a favourite stop when arriving in the city of Genova

Music Composed by Richard Johnston

At Genova with the beautiful Hotel Savoy in the background of the statue..... dedicated to Christoper Colombus....
Writing moments in Italy…

“Now I know why I keep a diary. I am not at peace until I continue the thread into the present. I am interested in analyzing myself, in trying to discover the reasons why I do such & such. I cannot do this without dropping dried peas behind me to help me retrace my course, to point a straight line in the darkness”.

21 September, 1949



Episode 60: A Musing on Lemons, Life and Limoncello, A Recipe for Digestivo, or Whenever


Episode 58: Travel Diaries, Artist Journals, Aide Memoir, and Excerpts from Paris, Italy and More….